
I am associate professor in Computer Science at the University Grenoble-Alpes (UGA) since September 2004. I am member of the ERODS team of the LIG laboratory. I am interested in providing mechanisms and strategies for system observation and system configuration to ensure optimal system dimensioning. My research finds its applications in large-scale systems including multi-core embedded systems, HPC and cloud computing.


2015 HDR in Computer Science, University of Grenoble, France
2003 PhD in Computer Science, University of Grenoble, France

Open position available - Research Engineer - Software Engineer for Cloud Technologies.

The SCALER project needs a passionate cloud engineer to help creating smart K8S scaling strategies.
The use cases are webscale aplications and 5G network applications provided by our industrial partners
EOLAS (cloud provider) and Orange (5G provider).
Start date: ASAP, Salary: starting at 3000€, depends on the candidate's 'experience
Detailed offer description
Official UGA Job Announcement

Open position available - Research Engineer - Teaching Sustainable Computer Science.

In the context of the VerIT project, we are looking for innovative thinkers to help us create the education of tomorrow!
The person will contribute to trigger the change for batchelor and master students at the UFR IM2AG at UGA.
Start date: ASAP, Salary: starting at 3000€, depends on the candidate's 'experience
If interested, mail me your CV, motivation letter and references.

Interested in large-scale cloud infrastructures ? In microservices ? Interested and motivated students, contact me by mail by sending your motivation, CV and references.


November 2023 Our paper "Characterizing Distributed Machine Learning Workloads on Apache Spark" has been accepted at ACM/IFIP/USENIX INTERNATIONAL MIDDLEWARE CONFERENCE (Middleware 2023) conference. Great work Yasmine Djebrouni and al.!
October 2023 Our paper "Bias Mitigation in Federated Learning for Edge Computing" has been accepted for publication at the Ubicomp 2024 conference. Bravo Yasmine Djebrouni and al.!
July 2022 Our ANR project proposal SCALER has been accepted! With EOLAS B&D, Orange Innovation and INRIA Spirals we will be tackling the problem of smart microservice scaling.
July 2022 Our AMI CMA project proposal VerIT has been accepted! The UGA schools undertake the challenge of teaching sustainable ICT.


Expert HCERES Evaluations
Eureka Projects Evaluations
Member of the first jury for the Agrégation d'Informatique national contest
PhD Thesis Jurys, Associate Professor Recruital
Organization EduPAR, EuroPAR, SRDS, ComPAS, SBAC, Grid5000 School
Reviews ComPAS, ICCS, SOCA, SPE? TSI, SRDS, BigData, DAIS, DSN, FGFS, JPDC, Middleware
Administrativia LIG Counsil (2014-2020)
Counsil of the UFR IM2AG School (2014-2019)
In charge of the first year of the Master in Computer Science, UGA (since 2019)
PhD Liaison at LIG (since 2020)
QVT Liaison at LIG (since 2020)
Women - Men Equality I invest myself in actions helping the empowerment of women, especially in the field of Computer Science. I am member of the Femmes & Science association and help organising the Filles et Maths : une équation lumineuse day.